Lost Ark players can begin getting Lost Ark Gold better at the Ark Pass starting today with the release of the April Update. The Super Premium and Premium Passes will be sold in the in-game store starting today, in addition. These premium passes will remain available to purchase until June 18, though progress can still be earned up to July 14.

There are definitely some worries of Lost Ark players regarding the new Ark Pass. The introduction of additional revenue to Lost Ark deserves to be considered by players, who will be evaluating the possibility that the new monetization could affect their gaming experience for the worse. In this instance, providing incentives to play the game could be a way to soften the blow.

A new update to the game's April edition of Lost Ark is packed with numerous additional features that go in addition to what's included in the Ark Pass, of course. Additions include the Glaivier advanced class and South Vern, the continent South Vern, the Feiton Powerpass and Express Mission events, new exclusive offerings from the store, brand new daily log-in rewards, and much more. Expect more updates from month in the spring and summer.

Lost Ark is an MMORPG like buy Lost Ark Gold none other. When they gambled, they got some big wins. But this strategy also brought about some unlucky misses.