Hunt for the Guardian Slayer is live as Lost Ark's March update. The MMO's storyline has been further advanced with the new Kadan storyline introduced with this major update, where you can release returning characters, new characters, new islands, and new quests. This update also adds the first in-game Abyss Raid, new PVPV content, new recipes and the Arkesia Grand Prix racing event. Also, as an aside, if you need Lost Ark Gold, you can Buy Lost Ark Gold for cheap and 100% safe at MMOWTS.
For most players, the core of this update is ongoing story content. Since the game's launch, many players have completed most of the existing game content, and they are already waiting for the final progression of the game. With Lost Ark's player base growing significantly with the launch of the Western version, the game's developer, Smilegate RPG, will continue to bring more new game content to new Lost Ark players. This new Kadan storyline involves finding more information about Sidereals and Kadan, and you'll continue your journey to find the Ark with this new storyline. In addition, new islands and a new endgame questline have been opened for access.
The brand new Abyss Raid has also been brought to the game with this update, Abyss Raid is similar to Guardian Raid, and when you are involved, you will know what to expect. However, Abyss Raid is more challenging on another level. The first Abyss Raid boss your team of eight will face is Argos, and your team must coordinate to try and win within the allotted time. Among them, encounter war is divided into three phases, Argos becomes more powerful in each of these three phases, and its mechanics and attack patterns also change. All three stages also have their own reward table, and players will earn something for themselves through their efforts. MMOWTS is the Most Trusted Supplier Of Lost Ark Gold. You can buy gold here.
The update will also set the stage for the upcoming Season 1 of the Competitive Proving Grounds, which kicks off later this month. You can play against other players in these proving grounds, and you can also queue solo in Team Deathmatch mode. You'll earn ranks in this mode, so you'll be able to start fine-tuning your PVP skills in no time.
The new additions aren't all about tough and deadly battles, and this update also kicks off the Arkesia Grand Prix event. Players over level 50 can participate in the event, where players will compete on the track in a 7-on-7 team mode. However, this is a temporary January event that lasts until the April update goes live.
This update also brings some new cosmetic skins requested by many players in the community, as well as a brand new login bonus event tuned for Western Europe.
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