For example, cyanobacteria is a specific type of bacteria found in spirulina that is an accumulator (also known as a "biosorbent") of heavy minerals. It does this via a process called ion-exchange binding,, and can significantly reduce heavy metal toxicity in tissue. 100 micrograms of spirulina hexane extract has been shown to remove over 85% of arsenic in tissue. However, just because a manufacturer of -- say -- spirulina powder can't say how it works, doesn't mean there isn't scientific evidence for it's potential to remove toxins from the body. Multiple studies have demonstrated the efficacy of these nutrients for supporting proper liver detox pathways.

What are the different types of private drug detox and withdrawal programs? Ultimately, as the article in The Guardian alludes to, your body has it's own powerful methods of detoxification -- and can activate these methods without the use of fancy diets or fancy detox spa visits. These methods primarily come in the form of your liver and your kidneys. Along with filtering your blood to remove toxins, your liver uses a two-phase process to break down chemicals and toxins. During phase 1, toxins are neutralized and broken into smaller fragments.