Amazon Game Studios is gearing up for the first server merger between the Avalon and Ramaja worlds in Central Europe in 2022. Earlier this month, players were warned about the merger as New World prepares to merge Ramaja on February 4.

Server consolidation has become a necessity in New World for a number of reasons. Back in December 2021, Amazon Game Studios consolidated hundreds of servers as they tried to rebalance factions and feed heavily depopulated servers with large numbers of players. Although this is only the first merger in 2022, Amazon Game Studios says there are more in the works. Last month, we reported a significant drop in active players on Steam, with over 90% of daily players no longer logged in compared to an all-time high of 900,000 players.

New World ran into several issues after launch. Gold scammers, problematic server queues, and Cheap New World Coins bugs are just some of the problems players have, and certainly one of the reasons New World struggles to keep players. In the January 25th patch, more bugs appeared, causing items to disappear and more. Luckily, AGS was able to fix some inventory issues with an emergency patch a day later, but an additional fix was finally rolled out last week.

Despite some issues, New World has managed to gain a strong player base. Daily active players are still in the tens of thousands of gamers, but they may see player numbers when Amazon Game Studios launches The Lost Ark, the popular MMO action RPG by Smilegate, on February 11. Another big drop. Whether you're sticking with New World or planning to move on, Amazon Game Studios wants players to know they have more content coming, and a ton of new content coming soon, so players can buy New World Gold early at IGGM.