Next week, Grinding Gear Games plans to release a major addition to the action/RPG Path of Exile, 3.17 Siege of the Atlas, with a new league, Archnemesis. Players are waiting for a ton of different balance changes. This makes players very excited and stimulates their desire to buy POE Currency.

GGG shared a separate article to get acquainted with them ahead of the announcement. They will try to address issues such as damage in arcane builds, low defense and mobility, insufficient investment to achieve a competitive amount of damage with hit-based bow and arrow attacks, and a few others. Skills and some unique items are affected. Players can POE Currency Buy to get more good items.

To recall, the full announcement for Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas will officially launch today, January 27th. Not only can players learn the details of the next major update and the specifics of the Archnemesis League, but also get special item drops. Players watch a 45-minute livestream of the game, offering Wings of the Wasteland rewards. GGG hopes that through this series of behaviors, players can expect more and will spend POE Currency to take part.

GGG will launch new expansions and new leagues every quarter to keep Path of Exile fresh, and players can also Buy POE Currency at POECurrency before the new expansion arrives. This is a popular seller offering cheap prices and a legal and secure trading system.