New World developer Amazon Studios revealed in a recent interview that Raids and Expeditions will be expanded.

It seems, New World will get more mutants. This affects special enemies in the expedition and gives them unique traits that enhance the complexity and difficulty of the New World Coins battle.

Mike Willette, head of world experience, said in an interview that there were a lot of different MMOs, roguelikes, and action-adventure games that inspired their first steps in developing Mutators. They want to challenge players even further and give them great rewards. They have developed layers of challenges in the game, each of which needs to be handled differently. And that will require better gear and teamwork, and, of course, better rewards.

Game teams are always looking for ways to add meaningful content and variety to the game. While mutants are just the beginning, they want players to experiment with different play styles, gear, and team compositions. They need to acquire new resources and equipment to strengthen their power.

Willette also said the mutant expedition has been well embraced by the community. He was amazed how quickly some teams coordinated to destroy the bosses. However, the mode still has some New World Gold bugs that the developers are working on fixing. This includes certain bosses with mutant combos that make the difficulty a lot harder than expected.

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