Although New World has suffered a lot recently, Amazon has not given up on the pace of updates. Because of this, players’ desire to buy New World Coins has not diminished. They will do some new tests soon and are about to transfer server capacity again.

Amazon Game Studios has been mum on New World news in 2022 so far, but in a recent panel, they shared details of the January update, as well as February PTR plans, server transfers, and more. First, the January update for the New World live game will introduce an expedition modifier called Mutators. Mutants are the latest addition to the endgame content in New World, which will make expeditions more difficult and provide players with greater rewards, including more New World Coins, gear, and more.

With this system, variant tuning balls will be available. These will enable the player to start any expedition using this type of orb. This means players can navigate the map faster to take advantage of new mutants, and six new spiritual temples have been added to the game. The cost of fast travel is also reduced. This means that players will spend less New World Coins on this.

Expertise, the last change to the New World endgame, has also been added. Players can now increase their feats to 625, up from the previous cap of 600. Players can boost their abilities by buying New World Coins. The PTR won’t change much in February. Amazon Game Studios, the February update, will focus on bug fixes and won’t contain any new content.

Server population has been an issue since day one of the tournament, and Amazon still planning to address this further. More mergers will appear in the game in the future. Currently, there is no specific date. Players are looking forward to this, and they will spend New World Coins to gain more advantages.

Besides these upcoming changes, most of the additions in the coming months will be fixed for bugs and issues plaguing the game. Besides waiting, players can also buy New World Coins at IGGM. This is a seller recommended by many players, with a secure trading system and multiple trading methods. If the players need it, they can find out.